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Padres de Clase Infantil * 2024 Annual Show

It is that time to begin work on our annual show! Those whom have been through this know of the responsibility and expectation upon each one of us as maestros, parents, and dancers—and all of us as a whole, as each performer will have an affect on their fellow performers.

The opportunity to perform at the annual show does not come without a list of responsibilities, of which we are making available to you. First off, if your dancer is unavailable to perform at the annual show (we’ll provide the date as soon as we get it), or if you decide not to have your dancer perform, it is ok— please let us know. They will continue to attend classes and learn. Second, if we feel your dancer is not yet ready to perform in this large-scale performance, we will let you know. We do not take lightly placing a dancer on stage unless we feel they 1) have the maturity and understanding of their part on stage, 2) have the ability to retain their steps, dances, and choreography; 3) are able to withstand the anxiety of being on stage, under lights, and in front of over 300+ people; and 4) they arrive to classes on time and consistently to KNOW their steps and to KNOW their choreographies.

Regions we will perform

Our class will be performing two regions—Nuevo Leon & Sinaloa. The regions will be split by the dancers. As soon as we are able to determine which of the two regions your dancers will perform, we will let you know.

Responsibilities to perform

1. Accepting to perform. We need your confirmation to perform by September 5 (unless we haven’t received the annual show date).

Acceptance means you are committing to set aside the annual show date from any other activity. Your dancer needs to be present at the theater from morning for rehearsals through the entire show. This is a full day.

2. Attendance. Class attendance, consistency, and promptness is imperative.

From now through the end of November, we will have about 15 regularly scheduled (Thursday) practices to perfect footwork, styling, choreography, and have the dancers feel confident with themselves.

Missed practices. Please let us know of any practices your dancer will miss as soon as you know. This will help us when scheduling practices to better work with our dancers and choreography dates. Missed choreography practices will affect your dancers opportunity to perform. Unfortunately there is no way around this as 1) dancers must learn the choreography, and 2) all the dancers are affected by missing dancers (holes) in the choreography.

3. Personal performance items. Nube provides dancers with the regional costumes. However, performers must have certain personal items. We will provide a printed list of the items as soon as we decide which regions each of the dancers will perform.

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